Saturday, August 17, 2013

How To Address A Teenager Who Is Asking "The Can I Date Now Question"....Part 2

I hope you took time to reflect on Part I before continuing.  If not here is the link to part one Teenage Dating Question Part 1. It’s important to start examine your understanding of teenage love and how to keep them from growing up too fast. 

Now the SEX thing is the other part of this physical intimacy aspect that has everything to do with ‘what you are doing “TO EACH OTHER”. YES I said “TO EACH OTHER”. This is the highest form of physical intimacy (bonding) that we will touch on later in this discussion. There is a big difference with these two types of intimacies.

Our Society has managed to confuse this ISSUE and caused us to be so dizzy-headed, that we do not know if we are coming or going, which simply means: WE’VE LOST ALL DISCRETION. Our children, who are still children, want to engage in adult activities and yet they DO NOT KNOW HOW TO THINK AND FUNCTION AS AN ADULT.

Now how insane is this attitude! I mean because they have not learned how to be fully responsible for themselves, this mindless behavior that is rampant everywhere, has given our children false images of what a happy couple is or has made them think that a happy couple is not attainable as some have suggested.

This mindless behavior is plastered all over the Television Media as acceptable behavior and has literally destroyed the concept what “A Happy Home” could be. This new condition is our state of mind that we are experiencing now, and is causing us to make life changing decisions with very little discretion or discernment. By having no discretion, we are bound (by the simple rule of actions) to indulge and entertain so many painfully, heart-breaking experiences that would take almost a lifetime to fix or heal from.

This is the reason why there are so many broken homes, dysfunctional families, and so many MEN raising other MEN’S children. Do you know what I mean? How many mothers have children from different MEN because she is trying to find “Mr. U got the right one baby”? How many MEN are fathering other MEN’S children because he wants to be with the person he loves? How many mothers are not in love with their child’s(ren’s) father and they are struggling to stay with him anyway, so they don’t have to deal with the many baby daddies syndrome. I mean this is EPIC (Ensured Pathological Incompetent Consequences).

This is our experience today. This is the direct result of negative legislation, programs, and media influence that has interfered with Parental Rights and Guidance. Trust me, when I say, “Every action causes a reaction”. Somewhere along the way the Media, by the power airwaves, has managed to take these very complex matters of Love and made it unclear and undefined for our magnificent minds to grasp. So in my next update I will define “WHAT DATING IS”, so we all can be on the same page.