Monday, July 29, 2013

How To Address A Teenager Who Is Asking The "Can I Date Now" Question.....Part 1

I was recently asked "HOW TO ADDRESS A TEENAGER WHO IS ASKING THE 'CAN I DATE NOW?’ question”. This is a very, very, good topic to discuss. In fact it is the 'hot topic of today' and an extremely important topic for our youth.

For you readers who would like a simple answer, I wish there was a simple answer for this subject. However, because this topic is complicated I will do my best to MAKE IT AS PLAIN and simple as possible.

I will begin by saying this:
PARENTS!!! Please keep in mind that the “Power of LOVE” is truly all encompassing. The age and years of a person does not stop this powerful emotion from affecting how one feels about oneself and others.

LOVE is a very powerful emotion.  It creates within you, feelings, thoughts and other emotions that almost seem unimaginable or impossible to conceive. Do not underestimate this Truth. It is an Mystical concept because it is a feeling that goes beyond logic, common sense, rational or reasonable thinking, and yet it is the main motive for why we create, go to work, go to school, build a house, have a business, have children, and own all manner of devices and engage in all manner of activities. LOVE is amazing and that is a fact. It is this driving force that makes us ‘go crazy’ when we cannot possess or keep safe what is deemed to be called this “Love Experience”.

There are so many bizarre stories out there that testify what a person will do or go thru for “LOVE”. You may ask, ‘How does this apply to this topic?’  Well take a moment and consider this truth.  “Real Love” is conceivable or possible for two young teenagers. I repeat. “Real Love” is conceivable or possible for two young teenagers.  They can grow or be in love with each other, and one can conclude that this is LOVE.

Looking at this aspect from a higher perspective, Heaven can see a real love connection (some call it AURA) between two youngsters when family and friends can be totally oblivious of this fact. How do I know this? Because it happened to me.

I did not know what it was at the time and later on in life when I had to face this ‘LOVE EXPERIENCE” of mine, I was in denial. I wish I had someone knowledgeable about this subject guiding me, for this would have truly saved me from all the unnecessary heartache and hardships that I had to endure because of my foolish acts and decisions.

One aspect of LOVE I know for sure is that when two persons are in love they would never need to show this outwardly because it is how they both feel about the other on the inside. Keep in mind that wanting to become physically intimate in any form or fashion with someone has nothing to do with being in love with someone.

You can be in love with each other and never ever touch, feel, grope, caress, kiss, rub, hug, or have any type of physicality with each other. WHY? Because being in love is a “state of mind”. It is mental. It is a mutual experience of thoughts that are in constant reciprocation. When one is in love you only need to be in their mere presence, that’s all.

So when you are thinking about becoming physically intimate with someone in a public or private manner, this means that you want to bring “this feeling of love” that is on the inside out into the open for the one you love to experience and for all others to see. By one’s actions you are declaring that your desire is to take ‘this love experience’ to another level, for the purpose of creating an unbreakable bond.

By holding hands, kissing, spending one on one time with each other, engaging in different activities, this is just another simple way of learning how to become physically comfortable with each other (which is another form of bonding), and for the higher purpose of telling the rest of the world “hands off”, this one belongs to me.

While you both have decided to bond with each other in this physical way or manner, you are also giving the message to family, friends, God, the angels, and everyone else, that you want them to acknowledge this bond and not interfere with what you are doing WITH each other. Yes I said, “WITH” each other. 

(Stop here before going to Part II for the conclusion of this topic which discusses the sexual intimacy aspect.  Take a moment to reflect and be honest about what you see.)

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Letter To My Daughter

To My Dearest Daughter,

     First and foremost, please know that I love you. Love is how you came into existence. Never think for a moment that love did not make you or envelope your creation. From the moment your presence was known, you were loved, you were wanted. You were my little girl. And it matters not how old you grow, this will never change. Understand that it was no accident you came into my life. You were meant to be my daughter. I know my absence has given you a wrong perception of life and why you came into mine. The thoughts and feelings of abandonment, rejection, punishment, pain, and heartaches have driven away every opportunity for us to bond together. 

     Trust me when I tell you I can imagine how you must feel because I felt the same way when I moved so far away from you. It never dawned on me that we would not stay in touch; that we would have missed out on the lessons a father learns from his daughter and a daughter learns from her father. I am very sorry that you have been suffering the same way I have. My heart aches for the hurt you feel and that’s why I am reaching out to you now to end the suffering, longing, and waiting to fill the void that only I can fill. I LOVE YOU! Let this thought be known. I MISS YOU! Let this thought be felt. I NEED YOU! Let this thought be understood. I am your Father, your Daddy, your Papa, your Pops. Always have been and always will.